We did it! We've finally thrown caution to the wind and decided to completely ignore the fact that we're living in the new millennium! What does that mean, you ask? Well, we've finally gotten to the point where we've shut down all things digital and henceforth will only be offering true boutique printing. Digital printers? Gone. Gang run flyers and promo material? Not here anymore. We're not saying that there's anything wrong with modern printing methods or the need and/or desire to purchase them; we're just saying that these products and processes aren't for us anymore. Ours was a head over heels falling in love sorta thing with letterpress and serigraphy. While the falling happened quickly, it took us over 2 years to ween ourselves off of doing the actual digital processes that once paid our bills after deciding to do so.
Having made the switch, we feel more focused than ever. There's a power to keeping processes to a minimum. It allows us to put sufficient time into what we love doing while staying the size that we want to be. It's easier for us to manage a smaller foot print with less moving parts (unless you count all of the moving parts on a press!)
An example of our focused energy can be seen in the redirection of our website. Education, portfolio & connection have become this website's primary focuses. Through our Tips & FAQ & Papers Explained pages, we hope to educate the good people of the design community on the specifics of designing for the processes that we handle: letterpress & screen print. We hope that educating on these old world processes will help bring understanding and therefor breakdown any fear that may exist in the unknown. From there we hope that our portfolio (currently only visible on our quote page), will serve as inspiration for your designs. And then there's connection. Of course we want to hear from you about working together, but we also want to continually grow our education sections. So please feel free to ask for tutorials to be added on anything relevant to designing for spot color work.
If you are at all interested in screen print or letterpress, please take some time to visit the Tips & FAQ as well as the Papers Explained pages. Read them in their entirety. I dare you. If you do, I promise that you will a better designer, more education enthusiast, and/or satiated print nerd upon completion. If you}re not, then you'll at least be able to tell us why not and what we're missing. So there's your invitation. It's not pressed, but I do hope you take it, read it, and share it.